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                       10.2 Keyboard macros

     Depending on how many function keys you have on your keyboard,
     you will have access to 20 or 24 keyboard macros for every macro
     set. You can have over 60,000 macro sets defined, but only one
     can be active at any time. The macro management function is
     reached by pressing <Alt-V>.

     The keyboard macros are located on <Shift-F1> - <Shift-F10> (12)
     and <Ctrl-F1> - <Ctrl-F10> (12). When a macro key is pressed, the
     Terminal will send the data specified as the macro string,
     uninterpreted, to the remote system. The two exceptions to this
     are the tilde (~) character which forces a one second pause, and
     the pipe (|) character which translates into a CR. Neither the
     tilde, nor the pipe character is transmitted to the remote

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